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2016 May – Marine Electronics & Communications – Ecdis prevents more groundings that it causes

2016 May – Marine Electronics & Communications – Ecdis prevents more groundings that it causes

Ecdis has prevented more groundings and collisions than it has caused, but it has been a factor in recent maritime
accidents. This was the response from the team of experts working on the Sea Traffic Management (STM) validation
project for the IMO’s e-navigation programme. STM Validation communications officer Ulf Siwe represented this team
in his response to a comment recently by Marine Electronics & Communications’ editor Martyn Wingrove that
questioned whether ecdis is causing more collisions.
“When working on information sharing to increase safety, we notice that many of the services we envision would assist the bridge in eliminating these [ECDIS-related] accidents.” says Ulf.