How use the project SeaSWIM Connector in relation with human interactable web services?
- The SSC is used by a parent service that could be a GUI oriented to users
Is the project SeaSWIM Connector only for machine-to-machine interaction?
- Yes
Is the project SeaSWIM Connector only used to open a communication channel or also to send data through?
- The project SeaSWIM Connector interacts in both outgoing and incoming service calls and supports the authentication and forwarding of data in the service calls. Source MO
What requirements does the project SeaSWIM Connector put on my deployment environment?
- See SeaSWIM Connector Implementation description for details how to configure a webserver and the SSC.https://www.seatrafficmanagement.info/service-catalogue/#ssc
- Source:FR
Will it be possible to extract a functional library from the project SeaSWIM Connector?
- Yes, partly but not for all functionality since the COTS Tomcat application is used in the SeaSWIM Connector. Source MO
Will it be possible to search for services within a certain location through the project SeaSWIM Connector?
- Yes, there are search functionality based on geometry in Service Registry and support in the project SeaSWIM Connector. Source MO
Is the project SeaSWIM Connector dependant on the Identity Registry? Is Identity Registry a single point of failure? Is it a risk that needs to be mitigated in the live STM testbed?
- Yes, all service interaction is dependent on the Identity Registry and the authentication procedure. Source MO.
- Where does the SeaSWIM connector reside?
- This depends on the chosen deployment alternative. But as we have designed the project VIS, SSC should be implemented alongside the VIS i.e. on the same server. Source PL
I downloaded the ssc.zip file but there was no explanations about the usage. I am interested in what kind of certificate should I use for my server to secure the https traffic between two SSC instances. Do we require both SSC instances to provide valid SSL certificates for making contact?
- "README-file have now been added and more documentation will follow.
- Authentication of interaction between two services shall be possible with any kind of valid certificate in Identity Registry, such as a Service Certificate.
- Please observer that a new root certificate has been created and all previously certificates have been revoked and new needs to be generated.
- Mutual authentication is enabled in the project JAVA SSC and therefore there need to be the same procedures and SSC functionality in both ends." Source MO
How can we search for services or Service providers via the SSC or via the Identity registry?
- Search for service instance(s) can be done in both VIS, SPIS and SSC, they all have the same interface. Searches can be done on keywords, geometry in JSON, geometry in WKT, geometry as location, geometry as UN/LOCODE, free text and on serviceInstanceID. The proposal is to also include providerID (such as urn:mrn:stm:org:smhi) and endpointType (such as REST) as search parameters.More examples will follow on Developer Forum.The result from search is currently being refined and more examples and schemas will follow on Developer Forum.
Must the callservice() call go through a VIS?
- No, the callService in VIS just propagates the callService from the SeaSWIM Connector as support to a parent service. As long as SeaSWIM Connector functionalities (such as authentication and encryption) is used, the callService can be your own. Source:MO
Is the project SSC converting between SOAP and REST?
- Incoming (intercepted) service request should already be in REST and forwarded in REST to “parent” service (such as VIS). Source:MO
Will SeaSWIM Connector be delivered as a functional Library by the project?
- A decision was made to deliver the project SeaSWIM Connector as a service and not a functional library.
Will SeaSWIM Connector be delivered by the project in form of a JAVA JAR file?
Will there be configuration examples available for the project SeaSWIM Connector?
Must the provided SeaSWIM Connector be used or I can use my own SeaSWIM Connector?
- No, you can use your own SeaSWIM Connector as long as it follows the functionality, standards and formats specified.