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Your contribution is crucial

involvement from STM test ships

Your contribution is crucial

Gothenburg Shore Center

At all times share your voyage with Gothenburg Center. This gives us an opportunity to evaluate the voyage exchange.

When passing an operational Shore Center test route exchange functionalities with the them!

Selected shore centers can use services such as Route Cross-Check, Enhanced Monitoring and Flow Management.
The active shore centers are the following:

  • Kvitsoy VTS (Norway)
  • Gothenburg Shore center (Sweden)
  • St Petersburg VTS (Russia)
  • Finland VTS

Whenever you are heading for a STM Port you should share your voyage with the them!

The active ports are:

    • Gävle(Sweden)
    • Rauma(Finland)
    • Rotterdam(Netherlands)


Use services

Whenever there´s a suitable service available. All participating ships shall share their voyage with Shore Centers and Ports when you are heading for their area.
Other services are tested when suitable.

Thank you for your participation!

Together we can improve the future.