The STM Validation Project is to release a new service that reduces crew workload and minimizes the risks of accidents and misunderstanding. With the new Baltic Navigational Warning Service, navigational warnings can be sent directly to the on-board ECDIS via digital communication, machine to machine. The new service allows warnings to be sent only to those affected and deleted when no longer relevant, thereby offering greater accuracy, relevance and less administrative burden and, thus, increased safety at sea.
IALA finds the Port Call Message Format standard promising and assigns S-211 as the identifier for the completion of this draft standard through the responsible IALA committee and working groups.
Sea Traffic Management (STM) results in efficient port calls, bunker savings and safer navigation. The analysis in the STM Validation project focuses on safety through Ship-to-Ship Route Exchange and efficiency through Port Call Synchronisation with possible Just In Time arrivals.
About 150 bridge officers reported a navigation realism in a simulator never experienced before. Some of the very positive comments of the Sea Traffic Management (STM) tools were “Ship-to-ship Route Exchange improves watch-keeping efficiency. It could also assist in making early decisions on course alterations to avoid getting into a Close Quarters Situation later. The speed of checking Navigation Warnings directly on the ECDIS display was excellent and if introduced would improve safety and efficiency.”