In the STM BALT SAFE project, it is the first time we get to see a full-scale route exchange ship-VTS. Mikko Klang from Fintraffic sees the opportunities route exchange brings to the VTS: “We are about to make a cultural change!” After three days of simulations all participants were inspired by the possibilities route exchange bring. The VTS operators in the simulations agree with the safety aspect that the project is aiming for. It seems similar to AIS, which was created for safety but became so much more. It is not until you work with the tool you discover all the possibilities.
The judges for Seatrade Awards 2021 in association with Lloyd’s List has made the Port Activity Application for Port of Rauma and Gävle a finalist in the Port & Terminal Digital Technology Award category. This award recognises the development and / or application of innovative port and terminal technology that supports the achievement of specific goals. SAMK, the Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, nominated the solution.