Dr Meixian Song at the Institute of Maritime Law at the University of Southampton is investigating the legal aspects of Sea Traffic Management within a team led by Prof Mikis Tsimplis and including Mr. Spiros Papadas, Prof. Ajit Shenoi, Prof. Filippo Lorenzon, Dr. Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon and Prof James Davey. By evaluating the legal implications of STM, challenges can be identified and overcome before STM gains practical application, thereby avoiding potential disputes in the legal domain. STM got to interview Dr Song about her views on the legal challenges for the STM concept and potential solutions to these issues.
During 2016, STM assigned three leading ECDIS suppliers to provide 225 STM-compatible onboard systems. The goal of the project is to validate the services on 300 ships, hence 300 systems are preferable and therefore a new procurement has been opened. Apart from reaching the desired number of ships and systems, the goal of the 2.0 procurement is to get one more ECDIS manufacturer onboard to further test the interoperability between various systems and providers.
The Port Collaborative Decision Making concept, PortCDM, was defined as part of Sea Traffic Management in the MONALISA 2.0 project. By introducing PortCDM, port call performance is expected to increase by enhanced coordination ability among port call actors involved and thereby reduce the turnaround time. This is based on systematic sharing of standardized time stamps in the current system environment within the port as well as with shipping lines, other ports, and hinterland actors. Now the KPIs for Predictability and Punctuality have been defined in detail, which will help ports measure improvements and perform benchmarks with peers.
Cyprus, a major shipping nation, has pulled together and is pushing e-Navigation forward in many respects. To tell us about this, STM managed to get an interview with Socrates Theodossiou, Chairman of the e-Navigation Working Group of the Cyprus Shipping Chamber(CSC). Socrates is the Joint Managing Director and owner of Tototheo Group with HQ in Limassol, Cyprus. He is highly active in the international shipping community together with his wife and Joint Managing Director, Despina Panayiotou-Theodossiou.