Ports use open source solution for information sharing
The EfficientFlow project has finalised the activity regarding the ports. All actors in the ports of Gävle and Rauma are now using a Port Activity App to share real-time port call information. Port planning is even easier for ships with route exchange capabilities.
More than one hundred users in the ports of Gävle and Rauma are currently sharing and getting real-time timestamps and plans for port calls. The beneficiaries come from all aspects of the port call: terminals, tugs, pilots, agents, arriving ships, port authorities, mooring personnel, captains and even the local shipbuilding company.
“There can be ten different partners involved in a port call and today they all call each other via phone to get in touch,” explains Linda Astner, Sustainability manager at Gävle Hamn. “There are often changes in a port´s operation due to time shifts, but also weather and wind has effects. If all involved actors get the right information about both planned and current times for arrivals the dockings can be smoother and the time that the ships spends waiting with the engines on can be minimized”.
A hands-on example from the Port of Rauma
One day there was one inbound vessel arriving 18:00 and two departing vessels scheduled at the same time. The limited number of tugs available led to changes. The first received order was served first, and thus the timetables for the other two ships were adjusted. All “pinned” partners could see the updated timetable for all three vessels without a single phone call.
Want to know more?
See what the actual users of the new solution think – Watch the EfficientFlow – project result film!
The core solution is based on open source and available for any port to use as a basis for their implementation. Find documentation and source code on Github!.
(Photo: Kasper Dudzik)