MT2014 in Barcelona impressed by MONALISA 2.0
The 6th Maritime Transport Conference MT2014 was organized by the Technical University of Catalonia and its Nautical Science and Engineering Department. The bi-annnual Conference was held in Barcelona at the Maritime Museum 25th to 27th June 2014. The MONALISA 2.0 presentation was based on the submitted paper: “MONALISA 2.0 and The Sea Traffic Management – a concept creating the need for new maritime information standards and software solutions”. The audience were from Poland, Norway, South Korea, Romania, Slovenia, Greece and Spain. The delegates were interested in the concepts defined in the MONALISA projects and they were advised about the next steps next year. As a preamble for the ML2.0 Mid-term Conference to be held in Barcelona 3rd November 2014, the technical aspects of Sea Traffic Management, Safer Ships and Operational Safety were explained.The audience could exchange some impressions about the MONALISA concepts and most of the agreed that with this project, the maritime sector is on the way to reach the e-navigation implementation.The South Korean delegates were really impressed. Based on the recent accident where the Ferry Sewol sank, they found MONALISA 2.0 had suitable tool and concepts to enhance Maritime Safety worldwide.
The Maritime Museum of Barcelona, the “Royal Shipyards”, was the scene of the MT2014 Conference. The close relationship between the Museum and the Maritime Industry and Heritage in a city like Barcelona has makes it ideal also as the venue for the Mid-term Conference. Near to the Port of Barcelona, the Shipyards offers a unique place to bring Maritime Stakeholders. During and after the conference, complementary activities were developed. The delegates had the opportunity to sail within the Barcelona Port waters and see the different terminals and all facilities.
The Conference covered several topics: Safety, Environment, Logistics and Education, all fitting the scope of the MONALISA 2.0 project, which was referred to in several presentations. The Lecturers of the Nautical School of Barcelona – Nautical Science and Engineering Department of Technical University of Catalonia, Mrs. Olga Delgado and Mr. Sergio Velasquez, were available to discuss the project in bre4aks and collected valuable input from the delegates.
The paper presented in the Conference has been published in the Proceedings Book which is available in the Technical University of Catalonia Library in paper and digital formats including its ISBN code.