STM Conference 2021 – (re)watch!
What caught the eye of almost 300 people from 43 countries on all continents but Antarctica? The STM Conference 2021! It showed concrete results from several projects, revealed how far the work on standardization has come and discussed the importance of information sharing as an enabler for GHG-reducing just-in-time arrivals. The ecosystem provider, the non-profit consortium Navelink, also shared the offer to join one year for free, as long as you “bring something to the table”. Currently there are about 100 operational services in the ecosystem.
The main conclusion of the conference was that the standards, the ecosystem and the services are reliable and that the solutions built on this foundation are stable and trustworthy.
If you would like to access the real presentations, the recordings and files are available
Just to give you a feel of the conference we are sharing some great quotes:
“I was very impressed how much sea traffic management had achieved. Both geographically but also with standards“ Gunter Klein, dbh Logistics IT AG, attendee
“The mindset of information sharing is here to stay” Magnus Sundström, Swedish Maritime Administration
”So far STM has proven to be a success – let us follow this through together” Katarina Norén, Swedish Maritime Administration
“STM and eNavigation is delivering concrete services and technology right now” Todd Schuett, Kongsberg
“Shipping and ports need to commit both to standards of IHO and IMO” Ben van Scherpenzeel, International Taskforce Port Call Optimization
“The success factors: stakeholders working closely together in the port and keeping it simple” Linda Astner, Port of Gävle
“We are proud to be a part of something that started as an idea/vison, materialized via several EU-projects to something that today is operational and self-sustainable” Anders Wendel, Navelink
“We must harmonize and standardize the digital information exchanged ship-ship and ship-shore” Kitack Lim, International Maritime Organization
“The users want this – it can’t be stopped” Jon Leon Ervik, Norwegian Coastal Administration