STM services expanded – Finnish Pilot Routes
By downloading and integrating the correct pilot routes at port of departure and port of arrival into the voyage plan in ECDIS, the bridge officer ensures that all personnel on the bridge share the same situational awareness at these critical passages of the voyage. Finnpilot has made all Finnish pilot routes available through the STM Pilot Route Services.
“We have augmented the Pilot Route Service (PRS) since its start-up with Swedish information. We believe that it helps increasing onboard safety as well as eliminating some administrative work underway.” says Olli Taipale, Chief Pilot, and continues: “In order to expand the service, we are happy to provide the Finnish pilot routes as well. I believe that the trinity of bridge officers, pilots and VTS personnel will work in a much more integrated mode in the future”.
Olli Taipale, Chief Pilot, Archipelago Sea, Finnpilot Pilotage Oy
Every organization that provides pilot routes can share them using a local database connected to the Pilot Route Service. Management of the pilot route information remains with that organization. Ships share their route with the service, and if there is a pilot route available along the route – essentially anywhere worldwide – the bridge officer will receive it and can choose to integrate it into the ship’s voyage plan.