Johan Jonsson, Captain onboard M/S TRANSPAPER, when he first tried out the electronic exchange of route to his ECDIS; “Hey it works!”
Jaco Voorspuij, Maritime Expert at GS1: This conceptual model is so powerful that it shows a lot of promise in terms of it also being used as the reference model for past and future events in other modes of transport and even warehouse and terminal operations.
Michael Bergmann is the President of Comité International Radio-Maritime, CIRM, which is the principal international association for marine electronics companies, who bring individual companies together into a powerful collective body with an influential voice.
CIRM is one of the nine original international bodies accredited in 1961 as a non-governmental organisation in consultative status to the International Maritime Organization, IMO.
Sub-project Manager Cajsa Jersler Fransson, Swedish Maritime Administration:
"What I love about this is that I as a mariner am taking part in a new paradigm. I can see where it is taking us!"