Anna Cernova-Bickova, at the RTF partner A’Tuin, wants to bring information from different sources and put them to use among hands-on logistics people like truck drivers. As a project manager at A’Tuin, she has experience of providing reliable logistics and port expertise services to commercial and governmental sectors in Latvia as well as on the global scale. Learn about how the Real Time Ferries idea will change the everyday of truck drivers and how administration can move from paper to apps. Meet Anna in “WE are RTF”
Published: October 03, 2019
Adveto, SeaIQ, Wärtsilä Voyage and Unikie have been awarded contracts for different solutions in the EfficientFlow project. Adveto for ferries and other ships, SeaIQ and Wärtsilä Voyage for solution for pilots, and Unikie for a solution for the ports of Gävle and Rauma.
Published: September 24, 2019
Baltic Sea Forum: pioneer of modern IT in the Baltic Sea ferry traffic. The topic of the discussion was how to improve real time information sharing for the benefit of all users. RTF, the Real Time Ferries Project, was presented in the view of a particpating large freight ompany and of Project manager Professor Doctor-Engineer Nina Vojdani, The existing IT-Tools in Connection to the Rostock-Gedser line were also demonstrated.
Published: August 31, 2019
As the STM Validation Project finished June 30, the Sea Traffic Management, STM, initiative continues with many aspects. There are four ongoing implementation projects and more on the drawing board. There is continued work on global standardisation on data and communication formats securing interoperability. The industry is taking over the operations of the maritime digital infrastructure. And of course, we have the results of the Validation Project.
Published: July 10, 2019
Increased safety through common situational awareness.
As part of the Sea Traffic Management STM Validation project Costa Crociere, part of Carnival Corporation, integrated Costa and Aida ships to exchange information with other actors, utilizing STM supported standardised formats and interfaces. After verifying operations with these initial ships, the rest of the Carnival Corporation fleet has now been added.
Published: July 04, 2019
The International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC, has approved a new work item SECOM – Secure Exchange and COMmunication of S-100 based products. What does it mean in practice? SECOM will mean interoperability, since the goal is to standardize how data is exchanged. SECOM aims to support all S-100 products that define what data is exchanged, making it a cornerstone for exchange of maritime information.
Published: June 11, 2019