The progress of STM and its alignment with IMO e-Navigation strategy was the focus when the STM project presented to the delegates of the IMO sub-committee NCSR February 21st. The warm reception indicates the ever-improving attitude to the STM ideas. And the message to the audience was clear: Get involved!
Published: February 22, 2018
STM will work with the International Taskforce on Port Call Optimisation (ITPCO)
The Taskforce is a consortium of major shipping line and ports, working together on improving quality and availability of master and event data, which will deliver benefits to shipping lines, service providers, and terminals.
Published: February 22, 2018
Matthais Pfeiffer and Adrian Ludwig (picture) are happy to participate in the STM simulator runs. “We want to support STM tests and enhance our own knowledge”.
Published: February 12, 2018
The Winter Navigation Service came into use for the first time when “Baltic Bright” shared her Voyage Plan with the Finnish Transport Agency (FTA).
Published: February 09, 2018
On August 29 2017, the “Star of Sawara” grounded in Danish Waters. Three months later this might not have happened, and had she had STM on-board, she would definately have been warned ahead!
Published: February 08, 2018
The International e-Navigation Underway conference took place on-board the DFDS cruise ship “Pearl Seaways” voyaging between Copenhagen and Oslo January 24-26. This year the conference ship is part of the Sea Traffic Management (STM) Validation project using e-Navigation solutions. Conference delegates visited the bridge to see the Wärtsilä NACOS Platinum ECDISPILOT send the ship’s Voyage Plan to the VTS in Norway, having a Kongsberg system, and to a shore centre in Sweden, using a Saab system, and receive current safety information back.
Published: January 29, 2018