About 150 bridge officers reported a navigation realism in a simulator never experienced before. Some of the very positive comments of the Sea Traffic Management (STM) tools were “Ship-to-ship Route Exchange improves watch-keeping efficiency. It could also assist in making early decisions on course alterations to avoid getting into a Close Quarters Situation later. The speed of checking Navigation Warnings directly on the ECDIS display was excellent and if introduced would improve safety and efficiency.”
Published: April 15, 2018
New innovative digital technology will assist ships arriving at the Port of Rotterdam. Port planning is facilitated, and ships can adjust speed as actors automatically exchange planned arrival times.
Published: April 12, 2018
March 5, HELCOM adopted the revised Recommendation 34E/2 on enhancing safety of navigation. To support the overall goals, HELCOM wants shipping to further decrease the risk of accidents and has identified e-Navigation through Sea Traffic Management as one of the prime tools. Concrete recommendations and encouragement are backing the Baltic Sea to become the leading e-Navigation area in the worldwide.
Published: April 04, 2018
“I help proving the monetary benefits of STM! To part of a competent and knowledgeable team doing this analysis is very rewarding”
Published: March 19, 2018
“We make the other guys become heroes! STM is the biggest enabler the maritime industry has seen in the digitalization, and we in the architecture team help building the base for all STM services and solutions.”
Published: March 14, 2018
On the 22nd of February the Global Port Forum awarded STM for PortCDM as the Port / Terminal Engineering / Technical innovation of the year 2018 and as the Port / Terminal Technology and R&D of the year 2018
Published: February 24, 2018